Coffee - Note to Self
If I get hit by a bus and suffer from temporary memory loss, this is a note that should come in handy (assuming I stumble upon this blog which is unlikely but not impossible).
When looking for plain coffee in the US
1. Starbucks bold blend $1.64
2. Carribou Coffee robust blend $1.70
3. 7-11 Coffee - any blend, you better be really desperate $1.20 + $1.06 for gum + $1.05 for soap
4. Speedway Coffee - European blend, you have reached a new low and recovery will be achievable albeit really slow and painful $1.15 + $1000 for the shrink
Biggby Coffee - If death is the only other option and you are not yet 90
If US economy is in a funk and needs stimulating or you are feeling generous, replace regular coffee with Cappuchino
1. Carribou Coffee: Small $2.86 - Thank them for the default double shot
2. Starbucks: Tall $2.70 - Ask for the free extra shot since the machine makes two shots by default and they throw the second shot anyway. If they refuse, tell them they lost your business because of their wasteful policies. Be polite yet mention how their shop just lost $2.7 times 365 = $ 985 which could very well mean cuts are imminent.
Biggby Coffee - If you want to spend large sums of money for two sips of substandard coffee and homeless shelters everywhere are reporting windfall excesses
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