Saturday, May 23, 2009

When Oldest Daughters of First-Born Daughters have Daughters First

The other day I received an email from my buddy ARG1 saying, "D, great news, I just became an Uncle". I immediately hit Reply, typed "Awesome news, congratulations!" and hit Send. As with most of the emails I send (and I send quite a few actually), I got to thinking about my message only after the fact (very helpful, right). Was the news awesome? Why, yes of course. Did ARG1 deserve a congratulations followed by an exclamation point? Well ...

Flashback 1

In the year 1910, Cecilia was married and in 1911 gave birth to Elizabeth who promptly was married away at age 20 in 1931. In 1932 came along Rebecca who married in 1952 and gave birth to Gladys in 1954. Glady's got married in 1975 and two years later in 1977 had Charles. Charles took his time settling down and at a grand-old age of 28 in 2005 got hitched. He is currently expecting his first born.

Flashback 2

In the year 1910, Bonaventure was 12. He got married at age 32 in 1930 and had Harry (his fourth child) in the year 1942. Harry got married in 1973 and had a beautiful son Siddharth in 1979. Sid got hitched in 2005 which brings us back to present day...

Bonaventure (from flashback 2) was Cecilia's (from flashback 1) younger brother and also my grandfather. He became an Uncle at the tender age of 13 to Elizabeth. By the time my father came into existence he was already an Uncle to Rebecca. In fact by age 10, he was a Grand-uncle to Glady's. So faithful readers of my blog, as you see, I was a grand-uncle at birth (in 1979) to Charles (and many others, from the family tree) who was in attendance at my wedding. In fact, any day now, I fully anticipate receiving an email with the news of becoming a Great-Grand-Uncle to Charles' first born.

So ARG1, if google-mail made good on their promise of rescinding emails after one has hit send, I would take back my congratulations and my exclamation point.


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